Wednesday, September 23, 2009

mermaid cove

September 21: johnny, chris, and i drove down to the oregon coast; newport, oregon to be exact. met with 84 degree weather, which never happens on our coast. usually it's misty and uncomfortable. met up with nearly my entire family consisting of dad, mom, jon, steve, andrew, daniel and andrew's girlfriend, stacy. mom stressed a bit cause we were 5 people over the maximum limit. but gosh. it was the most beautiful day i've ever seen at the beach. we went for a walk into old town and actually broke a sweat, then headed to the beach and ran as far as any of us had ever run into the ocean. and actually didn't get hypothermia. it was warm! then we ate and tried our luck by becoming mermen and mermaids in the pool. then we slept like logs.

September 22: first day of fall. 80 degrees. drove to a beach called Seal Rock which has really cool tide pools when the tide is out. the tide was absolutely in. but the water was warm and so were our hearts, so we had fun and tried not to think about all of the starfish we were missing. went to this place called Pirate's Plunder which did let us all down a bit, but the trip had been so great till now it really didn't matter. went back to the resort and ate hot dogs till we exploded. then jon, johnny, chris, and i loosened the grip on our wallets and headed to the Oregon Coast Aquarium which was awesome. Oddwater was on display, so we saw all sorts of incredibly weird fish. we also were able to pet sharks and stingrays. then we scooped up the rest of the family and went down to the beach one last time, built a sorry excuse for a sandcastle and ran around in the water for a bit. then twisted all of our ankles running back to the car in the sand [not really]. sadly, we had to drive home after that and i was really sad to leave. but now mom only has to stress cause they're 2 people over the max for one more day. that's really the only plus. because i am now sitting at work, trying to get the beach out of my head and actually work. thankfully we have a few more trips to look forward to. our view.

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